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徐礼虎: Error estimates between SGD with momentum and underdamped Langevin diffusion |
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徐象国: 以贯通式项目,助力培育跨学科复合型人才—— “百万立方世界”课程详解 |
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程文龙: 高热流密度散热及热控热管理技术研究 |
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张秀平: 我国制冷行业热点领域的机遇和挑战 |
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Aiqian Ye: Intragastric colloidal behavior and restructuring of milk proteins as a tool for manipulating nutrient digestion |
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柏浩: 多孔材料仿生设计与制备——以仿北极熊毛核壳结构封装气凝胶纤维为例 |
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张汀: Behaviour-Based Pricing for Competing Firms Facing Variety-Seeking Consumers |
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潘起胜: Planning for Future Development in Smart Cities 智慧城市的未来发展规划 |
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陈华兵: 国家自然科学基金申请书撰写交流 |
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郑光: 激光雷达在森林生态中的机遇和挑战 |