周小蓉: 中国新一代的超级陶粲装置
发布日期:2023-05-19  字号:   【打印



:周小蓉 特任教授




The proposed STCF is a symmetric electron-positron beam collider designed to provide e+e-interaction at a center of-mass energy from 2.0 to 7.0 GeV. The peaking luminosity is expected to be 0.5×10ˆ35 cm−2s−1. The energy region of STCF covers the pair production thresholds for tau-leptons, charmed meson & baryons, and all of the strange hyperons. STCF is expected to deliver more than 1 ab−1 of integrated luminosity per year. Huge samples of XYZ, Jpsi , D+, D+s and Lambdac decays could be used to make precision measurements of the properties of XYZ particles, search for new ones, and study their rare decays; map out the spectroscopies of QCD hybrids and glueballs; search for new sources of CP violation in the strange-hyperon and tau−lepton sectors with unprecedented sensitivity; make precise independent measurements of the Cabibbo angle (theta)c) to test the unitarity of the CKM flavor-mixing matrix and address the Cabibbo Angle Anomaly; search for anomalous decays with sensitivities extending down to the level of SM-model expectations; qualify Lattice QCD calculations; and provide precise inputs that are essential for the interpretation of results from other experiments.


周小蓉,中国科学技术大学物理学院特任教授。2015年博士毕业于中国科学技术大学。国家优青基金获得者,中国科学院“粒子物理前沿”卓越创新中心“青年拔尖人才”。参加正负电子对撞机北京谱仪BESIII物理实验,从事低能区QCD及重子相关的研究工作,研究课题包括奇特态粒子性质研究、核子与超子的电磁结构精确测量,以及重子稀有衰变和CP破坏的寻找等。作为主要贡献者在Nature Physics, PRL等杂志发表多篇研究论文。