报告时间:2025年1月3日(星期五) 14:30
报 告 人:Yasuhisa Oya 教授
Nuclear energy is a vital baseload power source, capable of producing massive amounts of energy from atoms, millions of times more than traditional energy sources. It has the potential to address global energy challenges effectively. There are two main types of nuclear reactions: fission and fusion. Nuclear fission uses uranium or plutonium, which react easily with neutrons. The energy released heats water to produce steam, which spins turbines to generate carbon-free electricity.
Nuclear fusion, on the other hand, uses deuterium and tritium as fuels. These fuse to form helium and neutrons, releasing energy. The neutron energy is transferred to blanket materials, which then heat cooling agents like helium or water. However, fusion is still under development due to challenges in sustaining the reaction in plasma. Managing radionuclides, especially tritium, is a key issue in fusion research. This presentation will cover the basics of nuclear fission, fusion, and tritium science.
静冈大学Yasuhisa Oya(大矢恭久)教授是国际热核聚变实验堆(ITER)氚蓄积问题研究专家,日本国立核聚变科学研究所共同研究委员会委员。Oya教授主要从事聚变堆材料、等离子物理、放射化学等领域的研究工作。已发表学术论文210余篇,出版专著4部,是国际上从事氢同位素研究的著名学者,在学术与产业界上都享有极高的声誉。Oya教授曾获得日本放射线学会森川纪念奖(2017年)、日本放射化学会奖奖励赏(2010年)、日本原子力学会聚变工学部奖励赏(2005年)等多项荣誉。Oya教授先后主持日本国内竞争性研究项目8项,同时负责多项国际合作项目的开展,担任日美合作研究前沿项目PHENIX及FRONTIER的任务负责人、日中核心大学项目氚包层系统负责人、日韩合作项目核聚变工程负责人、高级辐射防护监督员等。