Michael Beer: Some Important Aspects on Career Development: An International Cooperation Perspective
发布日期:2023-12-01  字号:   【打印



Michael Beer 教授




Going for an academic career means to set out for a dynamic pathway with often unexpected obstacles and restrictions and also chances. Getting prepared early helps to reduce uncertainties and to increase chances significantly. The presentation will highlight a number of facts that are crucial for success but are often not considered or considered too late. It will be explained how to develop an impactful CV as a basis for applying for academic jobs worldwide. It will also be explained how applications are assessed, and how to prepare them to make the most important items clear to the panels and referees. This presentation is based on own experience in different academic systems and on experience from assessing applications and writing and assessing reference letters.


Michael Beer 是德国汉诺威莱布尼茨大学风险与可靠性研究所所长、教授,利物浦大学兼职教授、同济大学与清华大学的客座教授。他在德国德累斯顿工业大学获得博士学位,曾在美国莱斯大学、新加坡国立大学和英国利物浦大学工作。Beer博士的研究侧重于工程中的不确定性量化,重点是不精确概率。Beer 博士是 ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems(A 部分土木工程和 B 部分机械工程)的主编。他还是《地震工程百科全书》的联合主编和《信息科学》的副主编。他曾获得多个奖项,包括 ASCE 的 Alfredo Ang 土木基础设施风险分析和管理奖。Beer 博士是欧洲安全与可靠性协会 (ESRA)主席,也是 ASCE 基础设施韧性分部 (IRD) 风险与韧性测量委员会 (RRMC) 联合主席。他现任国际安全与可靠性协会(IASSAR)执行委员会委员和欧洲结构动力学协会(EASD)执行委员会委员。他是亚历山大-冯-洪堡基金会的研究员,ASCE (EMI)、ASME、CERRA、IACM 和 GACM 会员