Raziyeh Farmani: Smart Water Distribution Systems
发布日期:2024-07-16  字号:   【打印



Raziyeh Farmani, Professor

工作单位University of Exeter



Water distribution systems play a crucial role in ensuring the delivery of reliable water supply in required quantities and quality. Climate change and asset deterioration are putting great pressure on the aging water infrastructure. Asset Management is a strategic approach to proactively managing asset health and incidents. In this talk, Professor Farmani will provide an overview of relevant research activities at the Centre for Water Systems, University of Exeter, UK. The focus will be on the experimental, numerical, and data analytics models that we have developed to assess asset conditions, predict the likelihood of failure based on historical and real-time monitoring data, and localise the failures. Professor Farmani will also provide a brief introduction to other activities in the Centre for Water Systems.


Raziyeh Farmani是水工程学教授,英国皇家工程院工业院士(2019-2022),国际水协会(IWA)间歇供水专家组主席,以及水信息科学与工程博士培训中心(WISE-CDT)主任。擅长城市供水系统建模、资产管理、水资源管理、多目标优化、不确定性和风险评估以及决策辅助。研究领域包括人工智能和数据挖掘及其在智能供水系统实时控制中的应用、综合资产管理(包括泄漏管理、能源管理、可持续性和弹性问题、资产故障和劣化建模)、间歇供水系统、贝叶斯网络和不确定性下的参与式综合评估。在获得英国工程与自然科学研究委员会(EPSRC)、欧盟和政府资助方面有良好的记录,在领导跨学科研究工作方面也有丰富的经验。