陈礴: Jury Voting: Beyond Condorcet Jury Theorem
发布日期:2022-05-27  字号:   【打印


报告平台:腾讯会议  ID:781 602 376

:陈礴 院士

工作单位:University of Warwick



In deciding the true state of Nature (e.g., Innocent or Guilty), we extend the well-known Condorcet Jury Theorem (1785) in several directions in terms of models, voting mechanisms and optimality criteria. After discussions about applications of the Condorcet model, we address the following set of questions: (a) Is there an optimal voting order of heterogenous jurors (agents) for a given voting mechanism? If yes, which order? (b) Which voting mechanism is better, sequential or simultaneous? (c) How do heterogeneity and homogeneity of the agents precisely affect optimality? (d) Under private information, when is honest sequential voting strategic, or perfectly optimal?


陈礴,英国社会科学院院士,运筹学会(ORS)会士,数学及其应用学会(IMA)会士。英国华威大学教授。兼复旦大学讲座教授。自2006年起为诺贝尔经济学奖提名专家。曾获1997年英国经济与社会研究基金会Senior Fellowship,2007年英国工程与物理科学研究基金会科学与创新奖。主要研究方向包括组合最优化、调度与运输、博弈论与机制设计