Ye-Hwa Chen: How to Conduct Creative Research?
发布日期:2023-12-08  字号:   【打印



Ye-Hwa Chen 教授




The Western tradition in evaluating research contribution is largely based on creativity or originality, and not so much on applications, practicality, or number of citations. But as to how to conduct creative research, it has been largely based on personal experience. That is to say, the researcher figured it out all by himself/herself. The Eastern tradition in evaluating research contribution is changing, moving from applications, practicality, and number of citations to originality/creativity. This is difficult considering the fact that originality/creativity does not appear to have a handbook or manual. In this talk, we will discuss this issue and make it explicit so that everyone can have a place to start with for conducting creative research.


Ye-Hwa Chen,教授。1985年获得美国加州大学(伯克利)博士学位,师从著名学者George Leitmann教授,现为美国佐治亚理工学院机械工程系终身教授,目前兼任清华大学杰出访问教授。主要研究方向为控制理论、智能车辆技术、系统建模理论、模糊推理理论等。发表了320篇高水平期刊论文、72篇会议论文,曾担任9家期刊的区域编辑和副主编,出版了6本书籍,获得了3项国际性奖项、7项专业学术机构及行业奖项等,他的一篇论文在IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics上获得了第二高的引用。他是佐治亚理工学院Campanile Award的获得者,这是该学院的最高荣誉