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Wolfgang Dietrich Pantleon: Microstructure evolution in tungsten-based materials |
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亓兴勤: Algorithms for the Generalized Network Dismantling Problem |
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李喜彤: How Do Product Recommendations Help Consumers Search? Evidence from a Field Experiment |
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Guanyi Lu: The Downside, Upside, or Curvilinear Side of Idle time? Evidence from A Retail Chain |
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2024国际产学研用合作会议(合肥)分会场——智能互联系统与应用系列报告五则 |
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范宣梅: 强震和极端气候诱发地质灾害链机理与预测 |
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何林: 学术论文发表的几点体会 |
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叶小球: 压力管氢同位素检测技术 |
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宣振东: 财会监督视角下预算执行与资金监控要点解读 |
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王树荫: 学问与人生 |